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We know better how the team should collaborate and work efficiently. Artimization is a digital marketing company and this idea evolve when we saw growth and an increasing number of people work with us. We thought the idea to create a project management system that gives you control over everything you need as a business owner. Yes, that how the Split team evolved. It is a comprehensive system we have a design to the maximum human potential within the organization.



dashboard ui ux design
project management
dashboard ui
create project
create page
all projects ui design
kanban-board ui deisgn
kanban popup view ui
emotions ui design
chatting app
file share ui
image popup ui design
image-popup ui
invoice template ui
all invoices template ui
project overview ui design
overview ui design
activities ui design
event ui
calender ui
profile user interface
profile details ui
system settings ui
general settings ui
payment settings ui

Something in mind?

Let’s work on your project.